Cooking with Danni

Yes I adore cooking.  Well I adore eating so by extension either I go broke via restaurant service, or I learn to adore cooking too.  I’m going to attempt to walk through a few of my favorite recipes, and even add pictures, here.

let’s see how well it works.

I’m a complete novice with cooking, but there are a few things that I’ve either figured out, or just gotten lucky on, that seem to taste really good.  And I like to share.

First recipe I call “S Car, Go!”  It was my first attempt at snails, and I freakin nailed it.

What you’ll need:

  • 1 Can Snails
  • 1 Stick of butter, unsalted
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • Handful of Parsley
  • Mini-Muffin Tin
  • 2-Cup microwave safe cup
  • small skillet
  • Foil
  • sharp knife
  • can opener
  • oven

Pre-heat the Oven to 450

First put about half a stick of butter in the small skillet and melt it, DON”T cook it!  Low heat is fine.
While that’s happening, peel and chop your garlic.  I like it pretty small for this dish.

Add the chopped garlic to the melted(ing) butter, careful to not let it cook, but you want the garlic to soften and just begin to brown.

While that’s happening, don’t get comfortable.  Instead chop your parsley.  There’s a few techniques for this but I prefer fresh parsley & kitchen scissors.  Add your chopped parsley to your microwave safe cup (I use a pyrex measuring cup)  Also add the rest of the butter stick.  (Optionally you can add a shake or two of pepper, I’ve done it with and without and I have no preference).  microwave that for about a minute, again careful not to cook it, you just want it liquid.

When the garlic is good and soft, maybe even just beginning to brown, pour the whole thing, butter & all into the microwave cup with the melted butter and parsley.  Pour it in and stir.   Mix it up nice, keep your spoon handy.

Now open the Snails and drain them well.

Spoon out 2-3 into each muffin slot of your muffin tin.  (Mine is 3×6 about 2″ diameter each) Ideally you want not much space around the snails in each muffin pocket.

Once the snails are staged, use a teaspoon and add a spoon of the garlic/butter/parsley mix to each muffin pocket, try to do each one evenly, I usually have enough for about 2 spoons per pocket.  Make sure you distribute the garlic & parsley somewhat evenly also.

Usually I have at least one snail “pop” and literally jump out of the tin.  So i suggest LOOSELY covering your muffin tin with a piece of foil.

Cook on bottom shelf for 12 minutes.

Then cook on top shelf for 3 minutes

Remove from oven, remove foil.

Using a slightly bent, or undersized spoon, scoop out the snails and the garlic/parsley/butter it cooked in.  Depending on your meal target, you can put them all in a low pasta dish and enjoy a feast of Phylum Mollusca,  or you can plate 2-3 on a small dish, your choice.



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